Our camps are based on these four pillars

Fun is why we all started playing sport, and it's too often the thing that gets taken out of sport for young athletes.
We ensure that fun and enjoyment are central to the experience of every athlete.
Growth only happens outside our comfort zones.
We put our athletes in challenging situations to foster growth.

Challenge without support breeds anxiety.
We support each athlete, at their current level, as they're challenged to level-up.
One of the greatest values in sport is the opportunity to be connected to a team.
We foster connection and positive relationships between coaches and athletes.

Core Values
Everything we do as an organization comes back to these four core values

What we do on the court and in the classroom is grounded in research and experience.
Everything we do is centered around what is best for the long-term development of each athlete.
We hold ourselves to the highest standard.
We commit to delivering the best experience possible to every athlete and family that participates in our programs.

It's not about us.
We exist to serve athletes on their journey and to help them reach their aspirations in the athletics and life
Every athlete deserves a safe environment to learn and grow in.
We commit to creating an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all athletes.

Meet the Founder

Luke Gromer, M. Ed
Founder & Director
Luke Gromer is an English teacher and Junior High basketball coach in Northwest Arkansas. He holds a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Education.
Luke has spent over 10 years working at or directing summer camps. He's also worked with and trained under one of the premiere basketball education organizations in the country, PGC Basketball. He's been coaching basketball for 4th-9th graders in Northwest Arkansas for the past 6 years.
He also created and hosts The Cutting Edge Coaching Podcast where he's conducted over 100 interviews on coaching with some of the top coaches, experts, and leaders from across sports.
Luke is on a mission to transform sport to be used as a force for good in the lives of athletes and coaches.